She came into this world early, quickly, and full of life. She was literally trying to move off the scale when they were trying to get her birth weight after she was born. Here is some pictures of her when she was one day old.

She has been a totally different child from Kendall which has taught me an enormous lesson since she has become part of our family. I have come to realize that her need to be a part of everything and always know what's going on is just who she is. She hates to take naps and has pretty much outgrown them since she started climbing out of her crib last year. (Kendall never climbed out of his crib ever!) She also has started getting up at the crack of dawn every A.M. regardless of what time she went to bed the night before. We never have to set our alarm clocks anymore. :)

Kelsi was also my chubbiest baby, but I loved all that baby fat. To this day she still loves to eat all the time. One of her favorite phrases that I hear all day long is, "I still hungry Mommy" even if I just fed her. Kelsi must always be the center of attention and she always has something to say. She has got some pretty strong opinions. For example, when we are kneeling together for family prayers Marcus will ask her to say the prayer & she most times will respond with, "I thinking it's Mommy's(Daddy's or Kendall's) turn." Many of her sentences in conversation start out with deep thoughts such as these.
As you can see, Kelsi is definitely a girly girl. She loves all things princess and one of her favorite activities is to play dress-up. I love to put her in cute outfits and do her hair. Kelsi also is always singing some little made-up song or ditty. Mostly she will sing full conversations, but that girls mouth is always moving usually in a LOUD volume. Her nursery leaders love her because they say she is the "life" of the nursery and full of energy. She is also very social and loves to see her friends and go to school to learn.
Although sometimes I am plain worn-out at the end of the day because of her I know my life wouldn't be the same without her. I love her sweet spirit, smile and all her adorable, innumerable expressions on her mischievous face. I look forward to many more great birthdays and memories to come!
Happy 3rd Birthday Kelsi! I love you bunches!!!