Monday, April 13, 2009

Potty Power & a last minute poll!

Hey all! I know I have been a slacker as far as blogging goes. :) All I can say is that I am making no promises about improving. Lately, at our house we have been spending alot of time in the bathroom. Why, you ask? Well, since Kelsi turned 3 a couple of months ago I decided to get serious about getting her potty trained. Also, I figured since I have been having to spend alot of time in the bathroom as well lately I might as well just take Kelsi when I have to go for the 100th time. If you haven't figured it out by now by my subtle clues....YES I am pregnant with baby #4! (And yes, I think I am crazy to be adding a 4th babe to the bunch!)

As for the potty training it is going pretty well, but Kelsi seems to have some hang-ups about going #2 on the potty so if you have any advice about that I am open to it because come September I do not want to be changing three kiddos diapers.

So since September is my due date we are actually finding out the gender of the baby today! Needless to say, we are very excited at our house. So if you feel up to it I am adding a poll to my blog to predict the sex so please leave your vote! I will be posting the results tonight after my kids go to bed assuming that the baby cooperates with the peepshow. Wish me luck!


  1. Another little Seiter! Congratulations!

  2. Looks like we all want a girl! I just think it is fun to have 2 and 2, so that is why I picked girl! I am so excited for you guys! I do not think there was any difference from 3 to 4! I was already crazy I guess! I big question around here has been if we want to ruin the equality and have baby number 5!! I am so excited for you guys!

  3. Congrats, again! :) I hope its a girl so Kelsi can have a sister to play with! :)

  4. what? this is quite a shocker - wow! And congrats! And...all the other jokes and comments about summer pregnancies.

  5. Wow! I had no clue! Congrats to you--you're a great mom!

  6. A big congratulations going your way! How exciting for you guys! I am sure it will be both great and CRAZY! Good luck and I hope you are feeling well!

  7. Hmm. Seeing how I haven't had to potty train anyone yet I have no tips on the topic. But good luck though. :)
