Dallin William Seiter
was born on Tuesday, September 1, 2009 at 6:08 AM at exactly 3 weeks early!

He has brought such a wonderful sweet spirit to our home. The kids all love him so much and want to hold him and kiss him all the time! He has been my easiest baby by far(knock on wood)- he sleeps alot which will probably change with time and he is a great nurser.

As for how things went down, I'll try to make it short but feel free to just skip through to the pics if it's TMI for you. :)
Last Monday, August 31st I had my weekly OB appt. and my Dr. told me that I was GBS+ which would mean that when I went into labor I would need to get to the hospital ASAP since I would need to have 2 doses of antibiotics administered every 4 hours prior to birth. Now for those of you that don't know my history, I tend to have very fast labors. in fact, with Oliver I was at the hospital only 2 hours before he was born and we were there as quick as we could get there. Here is a pic of me at 36 weeks, 4 days with my friend Becca 3 days before I went into labor:

So I woke up at 4:10 in the morning of September 1st and thought that I felt wet down there and I got up to use the bathroom. At this point, I was pretty sure that my water was broken. I woke up Marcus and had him call my mom to come watch the kids while I called the Dr. and took a quick shower. My Dr. said to go in ASAP since I was GBS+ and my history of quick labors. This whole time I have yet to have any contractions & I naively was worried that I might have to get induced with Pitocin to kickstart my labor. Of course as soon as we are in the car on our way around 5 AM I started have contractions, but they were no big deal. We get to the hospital and into triage and then things really start moving along! Contractions start coming on hard & heavy and no one has even checked me yet or put me on a monitor. Marcus then starts to tell the nurses at the desk about my history of fast labors & the fact that this was baby #4. Things start moving at a faster pace after they realize my water has broken and I am 7-8 cm dilated. All I am thinking about is the fact that I want my epidural now! They then move me to L&D and start my IV with fluids and my antibiotics. They say I can't get the epidural until I have enough fluids in me. This felt like dejavu all over again since this is exactly what happened with Oliver and I barely got it in time to push. Turns out that as I finally was getting my epidural I HAD to push so during the whole procedure I am trying to fight contractions and a major urge to push! As soon as it was in, they prepped me to begin pushing and my Dr. said I was ready to go. The epidural obviously really hadn't taken effect yet and I could feel everything as I was pushing. This was not as bad as I thought it would be, but I definately felt everything which I was not used to. After maybe 2-3 pushes during contractions out came our little man as perfect as can be at 6:08 AM almost exactly 2 hours from the time my water first broke. He came out crying with apgars of 9/9 and has some dark hair with blue eyes. He weighed 7# 2 oz. and was 20.5 inches long and was 3 weeks early! He latched on easily and has been a joy every moment since then. My Dr. speculated later that according to the ultrasounds I had during this pregnancy that my actual due date in reality was more like Sept. 15th 0r 16th instead of Sept. 22nd which explains why Dallin was not smaller at birth for being so early.

I have really enjoyed this past week and we really bonded in the hospital because a majority of the time it was just the two of us. :) We had to stay a mandatory 48 hours from birth because I was GBS+ and also because Dallin didn't get both doses of antibiotics before he was born. Words cannot describe how surreal yet wonderful his birth was and this past week has been great. Dallin is all we could have hoped for and more. So although his birth was a huge surprise, he is the greatest gift we could have ever received!